Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A Sad Good Bye

Our sweet friend Kendall will not be returning after the Christmas break. She and her family are moving to China. We wish the Tucker family the best of luck in their new journey. They will be missed dearly!


I want to say a personal "thank you" to everyone for the birthday celebration. Sylvia and I could not have asked for a more supportive group of parents. I am already dreading the end of the year when I will have to tell these little ones good-bye. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and send many blessings to each of you.

Pam and Sylvia


When we return to school we are asking that each know the following.......
Full name
Phone Number

Their baskets will no longer have their names on them, but will have this information that they will need to recognize. It will not have all the information at one time and will change frequently. So, start learning that information.

Christmas Program

Our Christmas program is Wednesday December 16th at 10:30 a.m. Your child has been working very hard and they are very excited to perform for you tomorrow. Get those cameras ready...........

Christmas Party

Our Christmas Party will be held on Thursday, December 17th from 11:30-12:30.
We will be doing a book exchange during our party. Please bring a Golden book that either a girl or a boy would enjoy. Dont forget to attach your child's picture in the front cover of the book.
You do not need to bring a gift for each child in our class.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Hats Off To.........

Skylar is our new member of the 100 club. Great Job Skylar!!!!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009


We will not have Show-n-Tell or check out books until after the Christmas break.

Important Reminders

Cell Phones – Please remember that cell phone use is not allowed in the car pool line for the safety of our children and staff. We have noticed many parents talking on their phones and this is an extremely important safety rule as this is a school zone.

Late Drop Off/Early Pickup – We understand that sometimes you are running late in the morning or need to pick your child up early in the afternoon. Please remember that if you are dropping off after 9:15am you will need to leave your child with Susan at the front desk or the Preschool Office so that we can take your child to their classroom. If you are picking your child up before 2:15pm, you will need to come to the front desk or office so we can get your child from their classroom. Also, if you are dropping of a lunch, clothes, or any other item that your child might need, please leave these items with the front desk or the preschool office and we will make sure that your child receives them.

Way to Go

Payten is part of our 100 club! Great job!!!!

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Report cards are coming home tomorrow. Please sign and return by Tuesday. We will not have a formal confernece until the spring. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me and we can set up a time meet. I am proud of each child and the progress they have made so far.

When we return from the Christmas break we are asking that each child know the following.......
First and Last Name
Phone Number
They will earn a trip to the treasure box once they tell us the information.

Thank you for your help with this.

Important Dates

We will have our Christmas program on Wednesday,Dec.16th. Watch for details.

Vision and Hearing Screening will be on Dec.8-9th.

Our Christmas Party will be on Thurs Dec. 17th. This is also an early dismissal day. Please watch for details and a sign up sheet for the party. We are asking that each child bring a wrapped golden book with your child's picture inside the front cover. We will have a book exchange during our party.


Friday, November 13, 2009

We will not have Show-N-Tell next week due to our Thanksgiving Feast and early dismissal.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Can Food Drive

Please bring your cans for the canned food drive! Your kiddos are trying to earn an ice cream party.

Indian Vest

Please send your child's Indian Vest to school on Wednesday. Directions are posted below on the blog.

Please Practice!!!

When we return from the Christmas break we are asking that each child know the following.......

First and Last Name
Phone Number

They will earn a trip to the treasure box once they tell us the information.

AWESOME JOB to.......Maddie, Morgan and Preston for knowing all their information!!!!!

Thanksgiving Feast

Thursday November 19th we will celebrate our school wide Thanksgiving Feast. Please sign up to bring donations. This year we will not celebrate in our classrooms as we will meet with all the classrooms in the front lobby and enjoy our feasts together. Due to space parents will not be permitted to join us for the feasts. We will have an early dismissal at 12:30.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Indian Vest


We are asking for your help in making our Thanksgiving feast a big hit. Please help you child create an Indian vest by November 18th. Use the directions below. Be creative and have fun!!!!!

Make this fun and simple Indian vest from a brown paper bag. Materials
1 large brown paper bag Items to decorate -colored paper, markers, paint, etc.
White glue and scissors
What you do
Cut paper bag down the front and around the bottom of the bag for the opening and neck area. Cut a hole in each side for the arms.
Cut the bottom edge of the vest so it is fringed. Cut two pieces of fringe from colored paper and glue one to each side of the front of the vest.
Cut Indian designs from colored paper and glue to vest to decorate it. You can also color your designs on with markers or paint.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

More Pilgrims and Indains

Our Little Pilgrims and Indains

Firetruck Visit

Early Dismissal

We will have an early dismissal on Thursday,November the 19th. Please do not send a snack with your child. You will need to pick your child up at a 11:30 in the front lobby of the preschool.


We will be closed November 23rd-November 27th for the Thanksgiving Holidays!

Thanksgiving Feasts

Thursday November 19th we will celebrate our school wide Thanksgiving Feast. Please sign up to bring donations. This year we will not celebrate in our classrooms as we will meet with all the classrooms in the front lobby and enjoy our feasts together.We have been talking a lot about the first Thanksgiving. Please ask your children the following as the are great informants......

What was the name of the boat the pilgrims rode on?
Who rode on the the Mayflower?
Where did they go?
Who helped the pilgrims on Plymouth Rock?

Your children are amazing and enjoy learning so much. You should be very proud of each of them.

Heather will need a few parent volunteer for the setting up of the feast. Please stop by the office if you would like to help.

Firetruck Visit

Yesterday we had a visit with the firemen and we saw a firetruck. Our class had a special time with Ms. Heather to learn cool stuff about Fire Safety. Pictures to be posted soon.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Can Food Drive

Please remember to bring those can foods in. We really want to win that ice cream party!!!!!!
Come on we can do it........

Friday, October 23, 2009

Noah's Ark Parade

It is that time of year again for our Annual Noah's Ark Parade! The Parade will be on Tuesday the 27th.The Parade will begin at 9:15.We will walk around the staircase in the South Lobby.After you drop off your child you may go to the South Lobby and wait for us there.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Is A Pumpkin Heavier Than A.........

We weighed different objects against the pumpkin to which was the heaviest.

Sorting with Letter Buckets

Science Experiment with Gobstoppers. We observed how many different colors a Gobstopper would change when placed in water.

New 100 club members

Congratulations to Preston, Jackson and Morgan for being our new members of the 100 club. Way to Go!!!!!!!!
Payten is our Star of the Week
Kendall had a great weekend with Hopper

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A Great Week

It has been a short but very busy week. We have continued to talk about Fall. The past two weeks we have focused a lot on capital and lower case letters along with identifying color words. Everyone enjoyed making nachos today....... ask them about what the chips were made from. Please remember to check your childs plant. We have a few that have not made it and need to be replaced. I will post pictures on Friday.

Hats Off To.........

Dylan Riggins for being Star of the Week
Reagan for taking Hopper home
Victoria for joining the 100 club.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


If your child brought a plant at the beginning of school that was in a crayon box, it is time to get a new one. The plants came with no soil and haven't done so well. The plants that seem to be doing the best are the "IVY" plants.

Dad and Donuts TOMORROW!

Please check website daily. We will post all communication here plus add fun pictures from our day.

NO SCHOOL ON MONDAY. Katyisd holiday.

Skylar looking for passwords in the reading center.

Walker and Maddie using fall leaves to match capital and lowercase letters.

Preston and Reagan hard at work matching numbers and color words! Great job to both of them!
Tyler and Morgan matching capital and lower case letters.

Centers and Workstations

Playing in our "Pet Hospital",eating bagels from "Zero the Hero" and making fall trees.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hats Off To.........

William for being our new Star of the Week.
Reagan for taking care of Hopper this weekend.
Maddie for becoming a member of the 100 club.


Reagan trying to decide if this is a good book to check out.
Peyton and Tyler playing with moonsand. They may bulid tall skyscrapers one day.

Jackson and Morgan working on color words.

Math Workstation

Preston and Payten working with unifix
cubes to making patterns.

Looking for Passwords

Maddie was helping Peyton find a password so she could ring the "Golden Bell".
Maddie is a great friend.

Working on the 1 to 1 Concept in the Math Center

Working at the Pocket Chart with Color Words

Sorting Letters and Numbers

Making Applesauce