Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Zero the Hero Returns

He's coming back.....Zero the Hero will visiting on Monday. As always he will be leaving a special snack. So, your child will not need a snack on Monday. Monday will be our 20th day of school.

Cooking with Ms.Sylvia

Today the children made applesauce. Each child got to help peel the apples,squeeze the lemon and add cinnamon and sugar. I think they really enjoyed getting to taste a little bit of the lemon. Ask them about making applesauce and what steps they took to make it. Another great day with the class.

100 Club

Hats off to William for being our first member of the 100 club. He counted to 100 today without any help and without skipping a number. We have many friends that are close to joining the club with William. This is a skill we practice everyday and the children are very excited about it.

Monday, September 28, 2009


A big " thank you" to Christy Tucker for making every member of our class a copy of our music. Thanks so much!!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Upcoming Dates

Individual pictures will be taken by Gigglebugs Photography on September 29th ! The background for the pictures will be An Apple a Day! If you would like to have sibling pictures taken, please sign up for that in the office.

Dads and Donuts will be on October 7th at 9:00! Dads you don't want to miss this! Drop your child off to school and stay for about 15 minutes and enjoy a donut!

Noah's Arc Parade will be October 27th . Please make sure to be prompt this day as the parade starts at 9:05. If you are new to His Kids, this is such a FUN day! Each child will dress up in a "friendly" animal costume. Then the entire school will do a small parade in the South Lobby of the church for parents and church staff!Scholastic Book Fair will be October 27th and 28th. These really are great deals on quality books! We personally LOVE scholastic for our own kids!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Next Week

Our Star of the week will be Jackson. Hopper is spending the weekend with Victoria. Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

This week.......

This week we have practiced matching our uppercase and lower case letters. In writing the children are practicing writing their letters. Please work on this at home.

In math we are working on writing our numbers and the 1 to 1 concept. We will continue this through October.

Ms. Christy has graciously agreed to help create a class CD of the music we sing at school. Please look for this to come home over the next week or so. I think you will find having this CD will shed some light on the things your children may be singing at home. :)

I can not express how much your children are growing each day. Each of them amaze us daily.

Ask your child about being a "Burrito Baby" today. This was a game we played at rest time and they loved it!

Blessings to You All.

Cooking with Ms.Sylvia

Today our cooking lesson involved our "Five Senses". We popped popcorn and sprinkled different flavors on them. The class enjoyed smelling the different scents, but I think the tasting part was their favorite. We tasted cheddar, spicy,butter and cinnamon popcorn. At the end we graphed witch flavor was the favorite. Cheddar popcorn was the winner.

Next week we are making applesauce.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A few things........

We have added new pics to the blog. Please check older post as some pictures posted there.

Dad and Donuts invitations went home,please return by Thursday.

Fall pictures are next week.

Sight word suitcases need to stay in red homework folders so that we may add new ones each week.

Room Parent-Toni Poulan
Co-Room Parent- Krista White and Tracy Watson


We are so excited to have Dylan Riggins in our class. He was the missing missing piece to our puzzle. We now have 16 in our class and we are now "complete". Welcome Dylan!!!!!
Walker and Morgan working
on beginning sounds with
folder games.

Jackson and Bruna working
on their family trees. They
were writing family names
on apples.
Reagan using magnifying
glass to match the smaller
picture to the larger picture
that matches.

Luke and Payten
working on beginning
consonant sounds with
folder games.

Maddie and Preston in the math
center. This was a sorting game by
counting the letters in friends names
and placing the name under the
correct number.

Jackson and Payten re-telling
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom on the
flannel board.
Victoria and Reagan using magnifyling glasses to see "Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?" The class would have to match fingerprints.

Dylan and Maddie
on the Pocket Chart
matching upper/lower

Friday, September 18, 2009

Hats Off To.........

Walker White will be spending the weekend with Hopper.

Morgan Poulan is our new Star of the Week.

Kendall and Peyton made a trip to the treasure box.

Great Job Everyone!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009



Cooking with Ms.Sylvia

It has happened again.....

We have so many friends making good choices throughout the day that tickets to the treasure box are filling up very quickly. Hats off to..........................


Great Job !!!!!!!!

Zero the Hero

What a fun and exciting day we had. Zero the Hero came into our classroom and left "zeros" all over our room and brought donuts for snack. We can't wait to see what he does on our 20th day of school. He sure is a sneaky little thing.......

Upcoming School Events

Fall Pictures-Tuesday,September 29th. If you are wanting a sibling picture please sign up with Ms.Susan in the front office.

Dads and Donuts- Wednesday,October 7th.

Noah's Ark Day-please send your child to school in an animal costume. We will have a school wide parade on Tuesday, October 27th. It will begin promtly ay 9:15. Bring your cameras!!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Tyler in the math center. He is rolling the dice and counting out strawberries to fill his basket.


Zero the Hero is coming tomorrow! Please do not send a snack with your child. (Wednesday).He is bringing the class donuts.


Monday, September 14, 2009

Our class is so Cool!

Literally!!!! We have a very cold room this year. Please send a light jacket to school with your child each day. They can keep it in their blue bag and use it as needed.

Way to Go

Jackson made a trip to the treasure box today!!!! Great job Jackson!

Zero the Hero

Thursday we will celebrate being at school 10 days. As we add zero and move into the "tens"placement we celebrate with a special snack. Zero the Hero will be bringing donuts. The class is very excited and will not need to bring a snack on Thursday.

Friday, September 11, 2009


Please check older posts for additional pictures.

Finding letters to spell name.

Making gingerbread men.

Preston reading the morning message.

Jackson and Bruna taking a break and enjoying a snack.

Tyler and Victoria sorting letters and numbers.

Luke and Maddie working on class book.

Reagan and Walker looking for passwords so they can ring the "golden bell".

Writing Station
Payten stamping and writing her name.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


We have four new passwords that the class has been working on. They are doing a great job on saying the password as they go in and out of the classroom. Encourage your child to look and listen for the passwords when reading to them. When in our reading center the children ring a bell when they find a password. This is a fun game you can play at home too.

1) the
2) and
3) red
4) blue

Hats Off To.........

Hats off to some of our friends this week. Maddie is our new Star of the Week. Hopper is looking forward to a great weekend with Tyler. Tyler and William both took a trip to the treasure box today. Many of our friends will be going to the treasure next week. Everyone is doing a great job making good choices and earning stickers on their tickets.

Sight Words

Please keep the "Sight Word Suitcase" in your childs red folder so that we may add words each week. Thanks!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Cooking with Ms.Sylvia

The class had a wonderful time making their gingerbread people today. They enjoyed smelling the ingredients that went into making the cookie. However, I think their favorite part was decorating the cookie. Please encourage your child to re-tell the story to you.

Many thanks to our parents who donated items. I do believe we have the "BEST" parents and kiddos in the school.


SHOW-N-TELL is Tomorrow!!!!!!!

Hats Off To Maddie

Maddie was our first friend to earn a ticket to the tresure box. She has earned many tickets by following our class rules....... Ears Listening, Eyes Watching, Helping Hands,Walking Feet and Quiet Mouth. Great Job Maddie!!!!!! We have many friends who are also very close to having a full ticket. Watch for more details..........

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Star of the Week

Preston Peterson is our Star of the Week.

Class/Home Readers

Each week we will look at a class reader in small groups. This book will come home Wednesday or Thursday of each week. The children have learned how to use their "pointer" finger to read each word in the book. The first reader will come home in a zip-loc bag. I would encourage you to use this bag to store all the readers we send home for the year. Ask your child to read the reader to you when you see it come home. They did a great job today reading their first book. I was very impressed. Ms.Pam

Library Books

We will begin checking out books this Thursday. Please encourage your child to keep the book in the "Book Buddy" bag when not using the book. All books will need to be returned on the following Monday.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Book Orders Due

Book orders will be due on September 10th. We can not accept late orders or cash.