Thursday, January 28, 2010

Morning Work

In the morning time your child is now coming in and doing seat work. This is something that they will be doing in kindergarten and we are trying very hard to prepare them for this big step. PLEASE try to have your child at school no later than 9:05. Their seat work should only take about 10 minutes. We begin our pledges and expectations for the day around 9:15-9:20. It is hard for your child to start their morning when they come in late. Thanks for your help with this. They have done a WONDERFUL job transitioning into this new routine.


We will have a small party on February 11, 2010. We will pass out Valentines in the morning and have a special lunch. We ask that your child bring 15 Valentines to hand out to friends.You may have your child sign each card but please do not address the cards as it makes it difficult to pass them out for the children. We will have a special lunch but this will not be a party for the parents. Sorry!!!! Please watch for a sign up sheet.

Please send a shoe box covered in a grocery sack by February 1st. You will need to cut and leave an opening in the top. We will be decorating these in class and using them for mailboxes in dramatic play and for our Valentine exchange. We are also needing stationary and envelopes as we will be focusing on writing letters and mailing them to their friends next month. Thanks.

Class Photos

We will have class photos on Tuesday, February 2, 2010.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Mad Science

Mad Science will be on January 26th or 27th. Children will experience a science workshop that is designed especially for preschool age children.The workshop for this year is "The World Of Worms"


Please send a shoe box covered in a grocery sack by Febuary 1st. You will need to cut and leave an opening in the top. We will be decorating these in class and using them for mailboxes in dramatic play and for our Valentine exchange. We are also needing stationary and envelopes as we will be focusing on writing letters and mailing them to their friends next month. Thanks.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

School Holiday

There is no school on Monday,January the 18th. See you on Tuesday.

100 CLUB

HIP HIP HOORAY!!!!! Peyton and Dylan are members of the 100 club. Way to go!!!

Mad Science

Mad Science will be on January 26th or 27th. Children will experience a science workshop that is designed especially for preschool age children.The workshop for this year is "The World Of Worms"

Cooking this week will involve worms too!!!!!


Wednesday January the 20th is Pajama Day. We will be reading,cooking and watching the movie Green Eggs and Ham. What a SUPER FUN day.


Hopper will be making his second rounds to every ones home. Please enjoy looking through the book and seeing all of his adventures. You do not need to create a new page.


Welcome to Preston Walters. We are thrilled to have you in our class. He is also our new star of the week.

A Great Week

Well, we all survived the first week back from the holidays. Your children were "AMAZING"!! It was as if they had never left. They settled in quickly and are proving that they are ready to head to kindergarten. We are so proud of each of them.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Winter Items

We are looking for winter coats (child or adult) hats,gloves,scarves and mittens for our home center. We have a beautiful fireplace mural waiting for the kiddos when they return.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Welcome Back

When we return to school we are asking that each know the following.......
Full name
Phone Number
Their baskets will no longer have their names on them, but will have this information that they will need to recognize. It will not have all the information at one time and will change frequently. So, start learning that information.

HINT- it will be very helpful to know your phone number when we return on Monday.


Reading Logs

In place of reading logs we will be sending home two readers each Monday. Please help your child read these books and return them on Thursday for a trip to the treasure box. Encourage your child to use their "pointer" finger when reading the words in the book. They will need to read the book out loud to earn a trip to the treasure box.



We will begin show-n-tell again on Thursday.


Nap Mats

Due to extra activities on Thursday nap mats will go home on Wednesdays.


Our treasure box is VERY low.Donations are needed.THANKS!!!!!!!!

We are so excited to see everyone on Monday. See you soon.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year! Classes will resume on January 11th. We cant wait to see everyone!!!!!