Saturday, January 9, 2010

Welcome Back

When we return to school we are asking that each know the following.......
Full name
Phone Number
Their baskets will no longer have their names on them, but will have this information that they will need to recognize. It will not have all the information at one time and will change frequently. So, start learning that information.

HINT- it will be very helpful to know your phone number when we return on Monday.


Reading Logs

In place of reading logs we will be sending home two readers each Monday. Please help your child read these books and return them on Thursday for a trip to the treasure box. Encourage your child to use their "pointer" finger when reading the words in the book. They will need to read the book out loud to earn a trip to the treasure box.



We will begin show-n-tell again on Thursday.


Nap Mats

Due to extra activities on Thursday nap mats will go home on Wednesdays.


Our treasure box is VERY low.Donations are needed.THANKS!!!!!!!!

We are so excited to see everyone on Monday. See you soon.

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